Mobius Jewelry
Jewelry with the Mobius form. The Mobius strip is a symbol of infinity. The jewelry has inspirational quotes and meaningful words inscribed on the infinite symbol.
Inspirational sterling silver mobius bracelet engraved with the Souza quote:"Dance! Love! Sing! Live! Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you've never been hurt, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth." Created with intention in NY. Material: Sterling...
Everlasting Love pendant necklace with the inscription "I have loved thee with an everlasting love". This quote is from Jeremiah 31:3. The sterling silver pendant is formed in the infinite mobius symbol. A keep sake. Created with intention in NY. Material: Sterling Silver Size: Sterling Chain 18" L., Pendant: 1"...
The word Love engraved in 28 languages on this sterling silver mobius bracelet. A universal emotion that unites us all, regardless of where we live or what language we speak. Languages engraved with Love include: Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Gaelic, Hebrew, Hungarian,...
Serenity and Courage Sterling silver mobius serenity prayer bracelet engraved with the words "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." These humble lines, with their universal message serve as a...
Sterling silver mobius bracelet engraved with word Peace in forty languages as well as the peace symbol. The languages are Arabic, Bengali, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Esperanto, French, Gaelic, German, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Latin, Malay, Maori, Norwegian, Oromo, Polish, Portuguese, Quechua, Russian, Serb, Spanish, Swahili,...
Sterling silver pendant formed in the infinite mobius symbol. Engraved on the pendant is the word SISTER, in eight languages. sister (English) soeur (French) deitfiur (Gaelic) schwester (German) sorella (Italian) siotra (Polish) hermana (Spanish) syster (Swedish) A beautiful gift for sisters, girlfriends, bridesmaids. The sterling silver mobius necklace, symbol of...
My Sister My Friend My sister, my friend through thick and thin necklace celebrating the unbreakable bond of sisterhood. This timeless pendant necklace is a reminder of the unyielding bond of sisterhood, through whatever life may bring. Sterling silver Sister pendant necklace formed in the infinite mobius symbol of infinity,...
One Day At A Time A beautiful reminder of the need to live in the moment for this day. Reinforcing the concept of taking one day at a time producing a major and positive benefit in achievable steps. The sterling silver mobius necklace, symbol of infinity with a classic design...
Expertly engraved in Hebrew, this exquisite pendant features the beautiful traditional quote from the "Song of Solomon": Ani L'dodi V'dodi Li, meaning "I Am My Beloveds and My Beloved Is Mine". A declaration of mutual love and affection. The sterling silver mobius necklace, symbol of infinity with a classic design...
"To Be Rich In Love Is To Be Rich In Life" Mobius Necklace. Beautiful sentiment. The sterling silver pendant is formed in the infinite mobius symbol. Created with intention in New York. Material: Sterling Silver Size: Chain: 18" L., Pendant: 1" Dia. Made in the USA Comes in Gift Box...